COVID-19 advice
We have produced written translations of NHS and WHO advice surrounding COVID-19 in several languages spoken by our young people. You can download these resources below and please do share with anyone you think would benefit from these.
We will do our best to provide translated updates each time significant new guidance is issued.
NEW! Lockdown statement for England | 4 January 2021
Information about the additional Tier Four rules | 19 December 2020
Information about the new tier-rules in England | 2 December 2020
How to wear a fabric face mask safely | 18 June 2020
Social distancing & self isolation | 16 March 2020
Main advice (reducing risk and identifying symptoms) | 11 March 2020
Other resources
We will do our best to provide translated updates each time significant new guidance is issued.
NEW! Lockdown statement for England | 4 January 2021
Information about the additional Tier Four rules | 19 December 2020
Information about the new tier-rules in England | 2 December 2020
How to wear a fabric face mask safely | 18 June 2020
Social distancing & self isolation | 16 March 2020
Main advice (reducing risk and identifying symptoms) | 11 March 2020
Other resources
Fake news & scams during COVID
Fake news, malicious disinformation and scam messages have surged during the pandemic, with regular reports of vulnerable or minority groups being deliberately targeted.
Big Leaf Foundation has created a short film in 10 languages, to help everyone identify, and avoid spreading, fake news. We have also put together a new short leaflet about scam text messages and how to spot them, based on guidance from the government's National Cyber Security Centre. You can watch and download these here:
Fake news | Spot it, don't spread it
Identifying scam text messages
Big Leaf Foundation has created a short film in 10 languages, to help everyone identify, and avoid spreading, fake news. We have also put together a new short leaflet about scam text messages and how to spot them, based on guidance from the government's National Cyber Security Centre. You can watch and download these here:
Fake news | Spot it, don't spread it
Identifying scam text messages
NEW! Lockdown guidance4 January 2021 |
On 4 January 2021 the government announced a new lockdown for the whole of England, in response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.
We have written a simple lockdown statement and translated this guidance into the various languages spoken by our young people. Please feel free to download (PDF files) and share these. |
Tier 4 rules19 December 2020TIGRINYA (coming soon)
On 19 December the government announced that there would be a new tier four level introduced in England for areas where the infection rate is very high.
We have created basic guidance to explain the new tier four rules. We are in the process of translating this guidance into the various languages spoken by our young people. We will add new translations here as they become available. Please feel free to download (PDF files) and share. |
Information about the new tier rules (England)2 December 2020 |
As we come out of the second national lockdown in England, each part of the country has been put into either tier one, two or three. Each tier has different rules about what people can do.
We have created updated guidance that explains the main rules for each tier. Please feel free to download and share. |
How to wear a fabric mask safely18 June 2020 |
The government has made the wearing of face masks compulsory on all public transport from 15 June. We have created illustrated guidance on how to wear a fabric face mask safely in several languages.
These guidelines have been adapted from WHO guidelines. We will add more languages as they become available. Please download and share with anyone you think might find these useful. |
Main advice
The government has released various guidelines on Coronavirus including:
Big Leaf Foundation has produced written translations to accompany the main advice and diagrams released by the NHS and WHO . Please feel free to download and share these. |
Social distancing and self isolation
On Monday 16 March the government issued updated guidelines in relation to social distancing and self-isolation for those feeling unwell or living in the same house as someone who is unwell.
Please download and share. |
Other resources |
Doctors of the World
Doctors of the World in partnership with British Red Cross, Migrant Help and Clear Voice has translated PHE Coronavirus advice into 23 languages and will be updating this regularly. Find out more and download the resources here. UK government
The government has also just released translated guidance for self-isolation and social distancing in Arabic, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Polish and Welsh: Right to Remain
Right to Remain has produced a video explaining the temporary changes to the asylum and immigration process as a result of Coronavirus. Watch the video on their YouTube channel or visit their blog for the latest information. |